Biolin – Attension Theta Optical Tensiometers


    DKSH Technology Sdn. Bhd.
    No. 108-B-01-08, Setia Spice Canopy, Jalan Tun Dr. Awang,
    11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang

    +604 645 2672


  • Biolin Attension Theta Brochure

Attension® offers leading contact angle and surface tension solutions for industrial quality control and R&D as well as for academic research. The core of Attension solutions is a combination of easy-to-use, smart instrumentation with broad surface science capabilities.

Technical Specifications

Available MeasurementsTheta FlowTheta FlexTheta Lite
Static contact angle and captive bubble
Batch contact angle
Dynamic contact angle
Meniscus contact angle
Surface/Interfacial tension
3D surface roughness and roughness-corrected contact angle
Interfacial rheology
Surface free energyZisman Plot, OWRK/Extended Fowkes, van Oss Acid-Base, Wu, Neumann’s Equation of State, Schultz 1 and 2

Available Models

Attension Theta Flow is a premium contact angle meter suitable for demanding surface research and quality control. Enjoy a user-friendly instrument with a high level of automation and accuracy for user-independent results.

What you can measure

  • Static contact angle: Sessile drop, captive bubble and meniscus methods
  • Dynamic contact angle: Dynamic contact angle, advancing and receding contact angle, contact angle hysteresis and roll-off angle
  • Surface free energy: Sessile drop, captive bubble and meniscus methods
  • Surface- and interfacial tension: Pendant drop and reverse pendant drop methods
  • Roughness-corrected contact angle and 3D surface roughness*: Fringe projection phase shifting method
  • Interfacial dilatational rheology*: Pulsating drop method

*Optional Features

Attension Theta Flex is the contact angle meter that enables all measurements in one instrument. It is designed for reliable and repeatable measurements of wettability and adhesion, even in the most demanding industrial and research applications.

What you can measure

  • Static contact angle: Sessile drop, captive bubble and meniscus method
  • Dynamic contact angle: Dynamic contact angle, advancing and receding contact angle, contact angle hysteresis and roll-off angle
  • Surface free energy: Sessile drop, captive bubble and meniscus methods
  • Surface- and interfacial tension: Pendant drop and reverse pendant drop methods
  • Roughness-corrected contact angle and 3D surface roughness*: Fringe projection phase shifting method
  • Interfacial dilatational rheology*: Pulsating drop method

*Optional Features

Attension Theta Lite is a compact and robust contact angle meter for simple and precise quality control and basic wettability research. The high accuracy is obtained with high quality mechanics combined with an automatic or manual droplet creation.

What you can measure

  • Static contact angle: Sessile drop, captive bubble and meniscus methods
  • Dynamic contact angle: Dynamic contact angle, advancing and receding contact angle, contact angle hysteresis and roll-off angle
  • Surface free energy: Sessile drop, captive bubble and meniscus methods
  • Surface- and interfacial tension: Pendant drop and reverse pendant drop methods
  • Roll-off angle
  • Batch contact angle

Biolin Attension Theta Flex

Biolin Attension Theta Lite

Biolin Attension Theta Flow


  • Static contact angle
  • Dynamic contact angle
  • Roll-off angle
  • Surface free energy (SFE)
  • Surface tension
  • Interfacial tension
  • Batch contact angle
  • Roughness corrected contact angle
  • Interfacial rheology (viscoelasticity)


An optical tensiometer records drop images and analyzes the drop shape automatically. The drop shape is a function of the surface tension of the liquid, gravity and the density. On a solid, the drop shape and the contact angle also depends on the properties of the solid (e.g. surface free energy, topography). The captured image is analyzed with a drop profile fitting method in order to determine contact angle and surface tension. Surface free energy can be calculated by performing contact angle measurements with several known liquids.

As an optical method, the measurement precision of optical tensiometers depends on the quality of the pictures and the analysis software. Attension Optical Tensiometers utilize a high quality monochromatic cold LED light source to minimize undesirable sample evaporation. Image quality is guaranteed by a high-resolution digital camera, quality optics and the accuracy of the drop fitting method.


Biolin Scientific

Biolin Scientific is a worldwide company making state of the art instruments and smart solutions for scientists. Knowledge is our greatest resource and an essential part of everything we do. In collaboration with leading universities and industries, we solve challenges to simplify the everyday life in the lab. Our customers are the experts in surface science, and we have the tools for them to progress.

The Biolin Scientific portfolio consists of the following brands: Attension®, KSV NIMA and QSense.

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